Miss-Lou Emergency Net Preamble Calling all members of the Miss-Lou Emergency Net. Calling all members of the Miss-Lou Emergency Net. This is __________ located in Vicksburg as net control for this session of the Miss-Lou Emergency Net. The Miss-Lou Emergency Net is sponsored by the Vicksburg Amateur Radio Club through its repeater K5ZRO operating on 147.270 MHz with an alternate repeater located on 145.290 MHz. The K5ZRO repeater is also linked to Echolink. The Vicksburg Amateur Radio Club has liaison with the National Traffic System through the Mississippi Section Phone Net and is dedicated to traffic handling and training for emergency purposes. The Miss-Lou Emergency Net meets each Sunday evening at 9 PM local time and other times when needed, such as during serve weather events. Again, this is _____________, net control for this session of the Miss-Lou Emergency Net. My name is ____________. Now, calling for any emergency, priority, or routine traffic? Do we have any business or announcements for the Net? Mobile stations wishing to check-in, please call now. Echolink stations wishing to check-in, please call now. (If Echolink is activated.) All stations wishing to check-in, please call now. (Repeat call signs and continue until no other stations are heard.) Does anyone request the Net Frequency? All stations are free to secure. Thank you for joining us this evening. The next regular session of the Miss-Lou Emergency Net will be next Sunday night at 9 PM. Also remember this net is operating during Skywarn situations. This is _________ closing this session of the Miss-Lou Emergency Net at _________ and returning the repeater to normal operations. 2005 Net Control Schedule 1st Sunday of the Month - Russ, K5NRK 2rd Sunday of the Month - Eddie, N5JGK 3nd Sunday of the Month - Gary, KD5WCN 4th Sunday of the Month - Jerry, KD5DHR 5th Sunday of the Month - Russ, K5NRK Net Control Duty - Provide K5NRK by end of the month with number of check-ins and traffic handled via K5ZRO, k5nrk@amsat.org , home 601-634-6398, cell 601-529-3138